Visit Marion’s Gelato today at 2801 Planters Pointe Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 for the Boccaball Social from 3-6 pm.
Savory food trucks will be there as well!
Featuring Marion’s Gelato all vegan watermelon flavor made with simply fresh watermelon and lots of love.
It’s a beautiful day for some Gelato!
Check out my website for further information!
#organic #frozendessert #mountpleasantsc #natural #giftcard #mountpleasantfarmersmarket #fresh #allcreditcards #delivery #wholesale #vegan #creamy #smallbadge #bestingredients #delicious #watermelon #sigep2023 #glutenfree #lactosefree #seasonal #localbusiness #gelato #noadditives #nopreservatives #nocolorenhancement #marionsgelato #catering #event #love #planterspointe